Thigh Liposuction

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Beachwood and Cleveland, Ohio

Candidate for Thigh Liposuction

Flabby thighs can cause your body to look disproportionate or bottom heavy. Fortunately, Dr. Fedele specializes in thigh liposuction! Lipo surgery will remove unnecessary fat from the legs and may even help you obtain an inner thigh gap. Thigh liposuction is a great option for individuals who are bothered by jiggly, thick thighs.

What is Thigh Liposuction?

Some patients are genetically predisposed to developing fat in their thighs. 

Liposuction is a body contouring technique that reduces subcutaneous fat stores around the body. Common liposuction treatment areas include the legs, abdomen, love handles, back, arms, and face. The thighs are a popular area to treat because fat tends to gather and stick in this area. Liposuction is an impressive solution because it can remove a good portion of fat cells from the area. These fat cells will never return once they are removed. Throughout our lives, fat cells only grow or shrink in size. Liposuction allows for the permanent removal of fat. 

The treatment will leave you with slender, attractive legs.

A liposuction procedure includes small incisions and a thin hollow tube called a cannula. Certain tools can be used alongside a lipo treatment to make the procedure go quickly and efficiently. The cannula is inserted through an incision and used to remove fat cells and sculpt the body.

It is important to note that liposuction is not a weight loss solution.

Liposuction is meant to slim down subcutaneous fat and enhance curves, not help people lose large amounts of weight. Liposuction is a good option for healthy men and women who have tried dieting and working out to lose weight in their thighs. If these options did not provide the results they want, liposuction is the next step.

Tumescent Liposuction

Tumescent fluid was introduced in the 1980s and has since provided many advantages for surgeons during lipo surgery.

Dr. Fedele implements tumescent fluid alongside his liposuction procedures for safe results. Tumescent fluid is made up of lidocaine, epinephrine and a saline solution. Each of these elements plays a role in creating a safer, more efficient surgery. The saline solution helps to dilute the lidocaine and epinephrine as well as swell the treatment area. Lidocaine is a local anesthetic that helps to minimize pain. Due to lidocaine in the fluid, we are able to avoid general anesthesia and use “twilight anesthesia” during treatment. Without general anesthesia, our patients have an easier and more comfortable recovery.

The epinephrine plays a significant role in our patient’s surgery and recovery. Epinephrine constricts blood vessels which results in less blood loss during treatment. Less bleeding causes less bruising and helps recovery be more comfortable and quick.

During liposuction, tumescent fluid helps to swell the treatment are and cause fat cells to detach from healthy tissue. The cells are more accessible and easy to remove. Tumescent fluid helps our patients have a shorter surgery and downtime without forfeiting impressive results.

Dr. Fedele may also implement ultrasound liposuction to help remove tough fat.

Ultrasound liposuction breaks up fat cells further and liquefies them. Ultrasound lipo is used alongside tumescent fluid to maximize results. Dr. Fedele will inform you if your thigh treatment is a good option for the ultrasound technique.


Liposuction is a minimally-invasive surgery that produces immediate results. If you are tired of not seeing improvements in your thighs after months of working out, liposuction is your solution. Lipo surgery is fast and effective. The treatment requires little downtime and will improve the appearance of your whole body. If you are bothered by stubborn fat along your thighs, liposuction will help you achieve the results you desire. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Fedele today to learn more!


Healthy men and women who are within range of their ideal BMI are great candidates for thigh liposuction. We encourage patients to look through thigh liposuction before and after photos to get a good idea of what this surgery can accomplish for them. Liposuction may not be a good choice for you if you have a pre-existing medical condition that deters your body from healing. The best way to learn if liposuction is right for you and your thighs is to reach out to us today.

Personal Consultation

During your meeting with Dr. Fedele, he examines your legs and explains how exactly liposuction can help reduce fat stores and make them more aesthetically pleasing. This meeting should prove informative and helpful. We encourage you to write down all of your questions before the meeting and bring them with you to your appointment. Dr. Fedele will take the time to address any concerns you may have and help you understand the liposuction process.


Before your liposuction surgery appointment, you will want to take the time to prepare. Some of these preparations should include choosing and area of your home to recover at, filling and picking up prescriptions, arranging rides, taking time off from work, etc.

Preparation is an important part of your surgical process because it sets you up for a healthy recovery. Follow the instructions Dr. Fedele provided you with and we welcome you to call our office with any last-minute questions.

Thigh Liposuction Surgery

Thigh lipo surgery will typically be performed on an outpatient basis with twilight anesthesia or sedation. Tumescent fluid will be injected into the thighs and, once it has taken effect, he will insert a cannula through small incisions.

Dr. Fedele will artfully sculpt the thighs and smooth out bulges.

Once your legs have been improved, the incisions will be closed and bandaged. You will be taken to a recovery room where you will be monitored until you wake up. When you are fully awake, you will be able to leave with your designated driver.


After surgery, your legs will be swollen and bandaged. Compression garments will be used to keep swelling down and help your thighs adjust to their new contours. Dr. Fedele will prescribe medications to help you heal and remain comfortable throughout your recovery.

Patients can often return to work after a week but may need more time to heal if they have a physically demanding job. The best way to ensure your legs heal well is to attend follow-up appointments with Dr. Fedele. These meetings will allow you to ask all your new questions and for Dr. Fedele to inspect your legs.


After surgery, you should notice a more attractive shape to your legs. As swelling decreases in the following weeks, you will notice more and more the result of liposuction on your thighs.

The results will last you years.

Healthy eating choices and exercise will help you keep your legs in excellent shape.


Liposuction is a personalized surgery that will be different for everyone. To learn more about thigh liposuction and how it will improve your entire appearance, schedule a consultation with Dr. Fedele today. You can also give our office a call at (216) 464-1616 to speak directly to a staff member and get your questions answered right away.


Which is better CoolSculpting or liposuction?

This depends on your body goals. Liposuction is a minimally-invasive, body contouring technique. The main thing we love about lipo surgery is that it allows us to create personalized treatments for each of our patients. Dr. Fedele is able to perform surgery with absolute control and precision. The result is an artfully sculpted body. CoolSculpting is a non-surgical treatment that does not possess the same amount of control as liposuction. Results can vary and you will not see your final outcome until two to three months later.

How much does it cost to remove fat from thighs?

The cost of your treatment will depend on many factors. Dr. Fedele customizes each of his patient’s surgeries so he can provide their best outcome. The details of your procedure, including cost, will be discussed in your personal consultation.

Can you get liposuction in your thighs?

Yes! Thigh liposuction is a popular treatment sought out primarily by women who want to improve not only the appearance of their legs but of their whole body. Liposuction is a revolutionary body sculpting method that helps our patients look and feel their best. The best way to know if you are a candidate for thigh liposuction and what the treatment entails, schedule a consultation with us today.

How can I lose weight from my thighs?

A great place to start losing weight is by exercising and eating healthy. These lifestyle changes will improve your health and help you lose weight. Cardio, like running, will help you lose weight from all over your body. To focus on your thighs you may need to try more strenuous workouts such as lifting. Even with these practices, women find that they are stuck with a certain amount of excess fat along their thighs. Liposuction is a great way to get rid of that workout resistant fat and achieve your best appearance.