Selfie Saturday

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Beachwood and Cleveland, Ohio

Selfie Saturday Cleveland, OH

Welcome to Selfie-Saturday at Dr. Fedele Plastic Surgery! We’re excited to showcase the stunning transformations and success stories of our patients. By participating in Selfie-Saturday, you’re not just sharing your journey; you’re inspiring others to embrace their paths to confidence and beauty. If you’re proud of your results and eager to show off your new look, we invite you to fill out our consent form. This form is your opportunity to submit a ‘selfie’ of your transformation and agree to have your image featured on our social media platforms. Remember, by completing this form, you’re permitting Dr. Fedele Plastic Surgery to use your photo online, sharing your success with our supportive community and beyond. Join us in celebrating your beauty and the art of plastic surgery!

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